Fourth Annual Public Hanukkah Menorah Lighting


Sunday, 10 Dec. 2023, 5:30--7:30 pm (doors open 5:00 pm)

at Guthrie, Oklahoma City Hall

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Especially at times of greatest darkness -- as of recent events -- it is important to spread the light and encourage others to do likewise.

What Hanukkah is really about is the ability of the human spirit -- even when feeling most depleted and unable to go on -- to renew itself from a Source beyond itself (according to the late Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man). We thank G-d for what He has done for us and brought us through, so far.

This year especially, Jewish Center of Indian Country would love for people of good will to come and show their support for their Jewish neighbors, and for one another. We have been grateful for the outpouring of kindness, support, and love from our Christian neighbors especially, following recent events and continuing as those events have been unfolding.

Either way -- may each and every one of you, and all of yours, continue to spread the light, and be blessed.



Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D. | Jewish Center of Indian Country (since 1991)


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